The Board of Friends of Deal Lake held their monthly meeting tonight.
The members' terms are up and names are being accepted for nominations. See the website:
Fundraising ideas are welcome.
Some of the uses include helping lake communities offset some of the cost of purchasing the new storm grates, which will bare the name Friends of Deal Lake. Mark Fleming held a Kitchen-themed event last fall, managing to raise $4,000, which went to the purchase of an aerator for the Sunset Avenue Bridge area of the lake.
One more volunteer is needed to accompany inmates of Monmouth County Corrections in a lake area clean up effort at the end of April. The inmates are under the care of the county sheriff's office.
Asbury Park has agreed to pay its backdues to the Deal Lake Commission of $20,000. minus a charge of $3,700 the city is charging the commission for flume services performed by its Dept. of Public Works. The FODL board noted that all the other member communities contribute inkind services at no cost. Allenhurst and Interlaken will be trained to take over the operation of the flume, relieving Asbury Park of that burden.
The board is asking the county freeholders to purchase a weed harvester for the lakes of Monmouth County. Removing the weeds helps restore life to the lake, which loses oxygen as a result of the vegetation.
Ocean Twp Council Meeting, 3/2 8 PM at Town Hall - petitions requesting the township perform a sewer line dye test will be presented. Your presence is requested.
Asbury Park City Council, 3/4 City Hall -
FODL General Meets 3/26, 7 PM, Interlaken Municipal Building
Deal Lake Commission Meets, 3/19, 7 PM, Loch Arbor Municipal Building
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