Friday, June 4, 2010

Oil Response: Hands Across the Sand - June 26th

Local environmentalists and others feeling the frustration of that nauseating plume oozing into the Gulf, and possibly heading all the way to Maine, are assembling in Asbury Park on June 26th to send a message. Click here for the flyer. The public is encouraged to join hands.

Hands Across the Sand is similar to the Hands Across America public assembly that took place on May 25 of 1986. According to Wikipedia, 5.5 million people joined hands across America to express support for fighting hunger and homelessness.

John Weber, of the Surfrider Foundation, the lead sponsor of Hands Across the Sand, is hoping this event will "draw a human line in the sand". While declining to call the event a protest, Weber expects, oil companies should get the message.

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