Friday, September 9, 2011

Asbury Park Homeowners Invite You to Meeting Tonight

We look forward to seeing you this Friday, September 9th at 6:30pm in

the City Council Chambers.

The Executive Members of the APHA:

Danny Weiss, President

Rita Williams, Vice-President

Lynn Tirado, Treasurer
Larry Bertorelli, Secretary

Jim McGlynn, Membership Chairperson

Upcoming Meetings Events
Save the dates! We are currently finalizing our future meetings and

events. Please mark your calendars for the dates listed below. More

detailed information will be forthcoming shortly!

Saturday, October 29th........Time TBD

Friday, November 18th..........6:30pm to 8:00pm
Friday, December 9th...........Time TBD
Don't forget to visit our website at


Please send all of your suggestions for the Asbury Park Homeowners

Association to .

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