Saturday, April 25, 2020

Podcast: Reaction to Affordable Housing Plan

Tomorrow is April 26th. AsburyRadio - The Podcast will discuss the public's reaction to the Council's Affordable Housing Plan, during the Zoom meeting last week - A Marathon Five-Hour meeting with sound, no video. One resident dropped off after being left on hold in silence for 15 minutes. Many residents were mostly critical of what they heard so far -- from the decision not to hold off the meeting until the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted to the complexity of the subject matter. Some issues raised included: The City's decision not to require developers to provide any parking for affordable units, a deal which entitles developers to extra building heights in exchange for providing 10 affordable units for every 50 market-rate built.
The meeting sputtered to an end, after five hours of fairly disgruntled public comment, at midnight and will pick-up again Thursday at 7 pm, when the remaining four or five ordinances in the plan must be voted on. The summarizing ordinance and #2020-11, which affects Deal Lake Drive, were passed unanimously, despite the public's opposition.
We'll hit the air tomorrow at or about 4 pm.
If you want to participate tomorrow, email me with a short description at If you want to hang in 'the green room' and/or share a comment or ask a question on camera during the Podcast, text your cell number and full name to 732-261-4860 by 3 pm. If you don't want to be on camera let us know when you raise your hand to speak.
If you just have a question or comment, post it on this page or email it to me @ before 3pm if possible. You can also post on FB during the show.
See you tomorrow!

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