Attorney Dan DeBennedetto to Succeed Retiring Judge Mark Apostolou on the Bench
Each Land Owner to Pay State $250 More for Transitional Aid
AP Council Meeting – June 1, 2011
Full council – Sue Henderson, Dp Mayor John Loffredo, Mayor Ed Johnson, Kevin Sanders, Jim Bruno
Steve Kay, Clerk
Fred Raffetto – City atty
6:30 pm – workshop is underway
Special event applications –
Tom Gilmour- Releasing butterflies – any q’s on that pplication?
Council – No
Triatholon Training – there is fee
Mile swim – take plc Mon June 25th, rain date 26th/ supervised by? Not on mic/
Church w/out walls, july 9th, gospel concert western end of park/
Sue Henderson – noise, volume – no one’s on mic
NJ Triatholon for AP – Sat. something 9th, Sandy Hook club, very prof org,
2 weddings aug 10 and jun 5th/ may hv over 100 weddings/
AP Oyster Fest/ need approve date on this, applicant w/ be bk / sept 9th a fri – 5 – 8, Sat and Sun too, Location to be discussed – Lake Av, Wesley Grove residents…Mayor is asking/
Gilmour - applicant is chamber, which met w/ Wesley Grove residents, reaction mixed…lighting issue, left on all night, access to driveways and townhouses, s/ use only half streets so people can get in and out/ lake blocked off/ some concerns food vendors/ southern side of Wesley grove will be…?? Noise issue/ music played there, corner of Wesley lake/ move music away to west/ all food vendors over by the …property is/ porto jons too.
Mayor – why doesn’t it go the other way instead of residential/ don’t blk/
TG can adjust land anyway you want
Mayor – inaudible
TG – think this is the land applicant wanted/ ran last yr very successful/
Mayor – I know I got a lot of emails telling me…inaudible…
TG – did hv one mtg w/ wesley grove to discuss all thos issues/ another was the generators
Kevin Sanders – asks q of TG inaudible
TG – always an issue downtown was…I don’t know…taste of Asbury / these people come expressly for oyster fest / wk’d out solution…?...
JB – what about pkg?
TG – any applic wd be grandfathered in…solution must be…calculate exact num of pkg spots/ barricades…
Mayor – talking
JL – lk at the people in sunset park..
TG – tonite very excited, u hv presentation in front of you, transportation, number of yrs, partial funding, initiative…PBd, take action ar’d AP, 3 other towns south of us, proposal…shd welcome it…
Two women get up – thank y for nominating us – I’m nora shepard and , w/ Monmouth county planning bd, Anthony kamala also, someone from Monmouth tourism, some – mgmt assn. / Shore Link, Shuttle
Funding is always an issue/ grant funding opp went away, fnd another opp, partnered with meadowlink, thru CMat program, comes thru nj transit/ CMAT stands for something envi. air quality. Wd’ve included four communities, 3 oper buses and one back up bus/ purpose of grant is to ease congestion and imprv air quality/ mk easy for people to take train instead of GSPWy, once get to beach community can get to beach and cookman av/ w/out tkg pkg spaces, getting into cars poluition/ spec to grant – assume AP, Neptune, Bradley beach and Belmar/ assumes …$270k, local match $67k about/ when started all communities very supportive, optimistic/ this pt money tighter than yr ago, decided mv forward/ if one community will do w/ one/ cost of program goes down w/ number of communityies/ cut bk svc to $3k each now/ Neptune OG budgeted for this and are onn brd/ Belmar interested/ mtg w/ BB t’w/ w/ try to encourage as well/
Mayor – 3 independent loops or are they connected
Nora – ther’s some flexibility, wnt to catch a loop/ meet train every time it comes/ maybe link up to OG and BB/ figure out how to org w/ Neptune…if everyone participate more opps to link/ cty is involved believe in it/ community outreach, RFP is out for the service/ u as community don’t hv to worry about drivers and things like that/ NJ Transit coord w/ th, fri sat and sun consistently for summer season, occasional mon when holiday/ 9 – 6 th and 9 to 9 other days/ start july 4th wkend thru sept. shuttles spec in rfp, mini busses 20 seats, ADA access. Rm for wheelchairs so maybe 17-19 seats…all same logo/ prob Meadowlink…EZride… hv funding at 75% level for 3 yrs, not jst this summer/ promise is to mk it sustainable/
Mayor - $1 fare goes toward upkeep?
Nora – drivers hv to hav all drug/bkgrnd checks/ nj transit felt important, some may wnt to jst ride ar’d in a/c bus, so w/ be $1/ ride/ if $20k in fares, reduce to $180k and local cost 25% of that
Mayor – not really feel any opposition to this jst how we’ll participate.. 3 signs for stops… regards match UEZ has set aside funding..I know u hv…inaudible/
Nora – that’s why we’re here…laughter
TG – did study at transportation ctr/
John Kaplow has arrived to film mtg
TG – something about advertising/ partnerships…r opp for sponsorships…
Nora – when we rec’d ..from dept of tourism/ state tourism 25k, part of grant is for advg/ web sites, partner w/ all businesses/ you’ll only be charged 25% of what actually costs, if less get val of that/ there w/ be schedules for advg rates/
SH – trolleys…
Mayor – I’d like to exloure how we can do this at the same time…inaud
TG – Don Sammet…inaud.
Mayor – w/ certainly help businesses, help w/ pkg/
JL – can’t hear what he said
Mayor – at this pt let’s move forward
Matters intro’d by council
SH – sunset ave bridge nzxt mtg mon jun 6, ocean tp publ mtg rm Oakhurst/feature Monmouth cty engineer/ business people fr area can attend to learn how be affected
JB -4th of July fundraiser at jimmy’s $40 a ticket/ 502-5759 for tickets/ Thursday dinner is/ need more bike racks on north end/
SH – where swan boats are too
JB – can we hv small marquee w/ events downtown/ discouraged by lack of donations for 4th of july/ picked up only $100 from whole bdwlk, they mk lot of money that night/ kingsley st and 5th av, need something to slow traffic down/ need cpl signs saying stop when people in crosswalk/ did we decide price on sidewalk café$4 SF now
JL – before we hv another busy wkend like that…?can’t be heard
Mayor – (speaking up now) grt weekend, dpw crews inspired (?)/ city hall wonderful, kick off Friday night, Madison Marquette, bon fires, etc. about beach lockers/ other communities had air vents and tarp to protect from rain/ others don’t
City Mgr Terry Reidy – we’re not finished building them yet/
Mayor – jst get ready for more grt wkends in Asbury
Fred – council may tk action on 2 matters, person injury/ $5k, $5k settlements/ nj historic trust, annual conference, how historic attractions can fund themsleve/ wlkg tour in OG and AP, tripp brooks w/ speak too, CAFRA permits how they address historic restoration/ pilgrims pathway to Steinbach bldg, en at conv Hall 5 pm/ if like to join call Don Sammett
TR – in 2010 beach revenue mem’l weekend – season and daily passes was $46,000, this weekend was $118k this year.
Public Meeting
Public Comment:
Lou Parisi – VFW Veterans Alliance AP
3 ceremonies for Mem’l day all very successful, ldrship by command, by example…council did show, tom pivinsky, tom Gilmour, jerry, rita and I think Maureen, pageantry and to the ceremony/ community of AP to fireman and police who giv their lives an risk their lives for people of ap/ Jim Bruno want to see twice as many for 4th of july
Tom Pivinsky – chr envir shade tree, lost betty aboromowitz, rich gore and (?) due to health reasons
\welcome \nancy sabino (partner in The Showroom, Cookman), tom caleso and gail helfrick.
Chastise you jst a second, wd be nice from one or all of yu a note of thanks to commissioners who are all volunteers/ backbone of ap/
Mayor –
Amy Quinn- char AP democratic party in town/ beach badge give away Sat. giving 10 away/
Dwayne Small – AP – thank council for attending event at bball courts, even tho no mention of it in newspapers/ Mayor Johnson got to get on you, not good wkend, murder on fri, shooting on sat, shooting on Sunday, and shooting on mon/ may hv been good day in AP, but gunshot wound to head/ if we as community don’t do something about this shooting/ need more police coverage, dewitt av sev’l lost lives/ havn’t fnd person who took his life/ it was a sad day in the hood/ we need more emplooyemnt for young men in community/ young men especially black wlaking ar’d w/ nothing to do/ if u go to eas stide all peaches and cream but on other side…mem’l day supposed to be honoring the freedoms we got, but… stop giving nancy shields interviews until she stops attacking us/ it lks like you all are down with her/
Rev John Bradley, pres Asbury Neptune alliance/ how many shooting and killings we hv on the wkend/ jb says 3/ I’m polling to see if you know
Mayor – absolutely
Bradley – all on west side/ concern we hv addressed some time ago/ know money not here, but we need some police on west side/ not where can enjoy themselves w/ the crowds, now dewitt becoming beautiful st but blood rounning down it got to do something about/ how many times met w/ Neptune auth, know tsk force is there/ we got to run down people w/ the guns/ when stop violence stop drug traffic/ others coming into town to bring drugs here/ we’re hvg mtg this wkend plan our strategies/ if you’re not, we’ll make strategy and bring to you. We had stop the violence last yr few attended, dien’t get $ promised/ need coop from city/ if u hv no interest (timer going off)
Mayor – let me first say as u know we meet on regular basis, Neptune pol, prosecutor, community grps, so I’m goitn to let our chf of pol and city mgr talk about what’s going on and I know you’ll be mtg this fri w/ cty prosecutor
Chief kinmon – we’re all frustrated by events of weekend/ nobody wins, sad usually young men involved/ we’re doing everything possible/win bounds of law/ I knw misperception stronger presence on bchfront/ they’re seasonal paid by Madison Marquette, but we assign our entire shifts to west side of town/ entire squad, any help we get from outside agencies they’re on west side of town/ terms of enforcement we do pretty good job/ we’ve tkn off streets 100 guns a yr/ not accurate tosay they’re not over there/ they’re – guns –coming from dewitt, etc/ when man willing to shoot somebody in broad daylight not much we can do/ FBI, prosecutor, us marshal taskforce/ go anywhere in country to staff effort/ doing everything can/ in schools, on streets, bicycle patrol, everyone likes to see cop on corner/
Rev tried to speak, stopped by mayor 3 mins up
Man – performance space issue – inherent contradiction / 1st amendment issue, if guy wnts to play guitar in park does he pay fee
JL – there is free zone, in which free
Alan Lister – 3rd ave
Code enforcement 300 blk of third av, large console TV in front of 404 3rd av / if picture tube explodes can hurt kids/ if u can arrange to hv it removed apprec it/ 408 3rd av, dilapidated s/b demolished, surprising owner has evaded, what’s holding up demolition
Myra Campbell – mattison av
Mayor didn’t recognize u mst hv had good weekend
Mr famularo – nice to see all kids outside BBcrt
Water truck has been down gld to see, no schedule tho since Apr 14th, sched to be done 3 wks ago/ like everyone to imagine 2 Fridays ago in rear of obama school, have school buses and cars, trying to get thru intersection where lucas is unloading blacktop/ people there being treated as second class citizens, blacktop is 300 degrees/ how much $ has city spent last 12 mos in any prev prog on west side/ or uez on west side or at WSCC/ if u put cameras all over there (beeper going off)
Mayor – we corresponded this wkend/ city sent me water sched/ don’t think tom Gilmour is here
Yes he is
Mayor: then lets tlk about pictures and unloading/ know city spnt quite a bit not at WSCC but on west side/ pt grant program matching grants to businesses to hire ap youth, when I was chair of UEZ/ Asbury Works which is part of hsg auth/ so along rd been sev’l opps, city money been used for …
TReidy – prevention is / BBall courts is major for the coop got done/ putting aside all other issues for the kids/ that was all city money/
SH – cameras, we’v got a lot of cameras
Chief – putting add’l 10 cameras to 9 cameras
Myra – can’t put whole community in jail…ie cameras
Calvin Edison – paying for parking…people hv lot of family out of town/ like city to invest in programs to help children/ partner w/ universities, nothing to do 1 mi town/ city cd do camps, jst reach out ot them lets do that ok?
Mayor – re pkg if liv w/in pkg zone elegible for $30 pass, if outside meter zone no proibitions/ I hv bkfst reg w/ supt of schools, list of programs / over 100/ hv to show that to part of wld besides Asbury
Todd bergman, 4th av
I come bk w/ same things often and seems nothing ever chngs/ rumor w/ clos sunset av gbridge, expressed concern traffic on 4th av/ w/ become a speedway/ something has to be done to slo traf esp when bridge gets closed/ city appears unwelcoming to people need handicapped pkg/ 2 on Ocean Av, 2 on Asbury Av/ but corner of Kinglsey make no sense/ no plc for them to go at that pt/ clr to busy part of ocean av
Mayor – handicapped pkg at each pavilion, second report today, had chance to see 4 cars pulled over on 4th av for speeders. Made me sweat a little/
Todd – very happy to hear that/(beeper)
Tim Harris – Asbury and Neptune taxpayer
Thank council whoever handled properties not being maintained, did wnt to acknowledge someone done something to improve/ polic chf, apprec efforts tkn in area and w/ Neptune/ lot of frustration and fear in that area/ gunfire that tk plc along Atkins Ave, across from sen ctr, blok from elementary school, across from a church/ shd strike all of our concern/ hear statistics and your concern but seniors, children and congregants afraid to sit out there / hope Neptune and Asbury w/ coop/ perps don’t observe that border/ wnt to dev springwood av as corridor to beach and we’re all hoping that will come to be/ apprec any input/ if like to get foks involved further
Mayor – I was chr of sprwd ave/ not a plan to bld a corridor but rebld one of best parts of AP, in touch w/ comm. members in Neptune on how can wk together, we don’t approach any place as a border but neighborhoods, wkg together, engaging in activities and efforts/ we had to rewrite that entire book/ some topics towns lkg at loitering, daytime curfews, how Newark has these schooltime/ daytime curfews/ 7 – 3, businesses get fined if hv any school age minors/ to see how we can help
Chief – did take 3 guns off street this weekend/ wk w/in boundaries of law/ but to prove, need cicitzens to help us prove the case
Diana Harris – midtown urban renaissance – wkg on redev of west lake ave/ need coop of both towns / gun activity and crossing between borders/ glad to hear mayor Johnson ordinances, one of concerns businesses called bodegas, lucys and other items for sale/ my hat goes off to you and what you’ve done…affordable hsg alliance and other, but we’re not going to sell anything…people pulling out of contracts due to activity going on/ extending the help from merc concerned…still activity over on Atkins Av, we need foot patrol, cars, etc. to deter activity/ use us to help u.
Mayor – let's get together after this mtg
Taritha Jones –
Your Wonderful wkend was a nightmare here/ cookman, emory, three officers hung out at Asbury Pie down there, I know I live over the dance school right there/ we have to get down/ Asbury never went anywhere…but when go down there u don’t see my people there, get message don’t want yu there/ if I conducted like these stores are sheffiled mkt and others that are dealing drugs at the registers…people keep calling…I live in west Neptune, I shdn’t hv to be here, apply the nuisance acts, shut down and pull merchant licenses, health and safety law violations by lucas constructions, violating OSHA/ I have to ask is this guy getting paid to carry on …2 pts (beeper) coord traf lites press plaza and emory st
Dan Harris – 17 Ridge Av
Glad they watered your street, ms Campbell, only watered mine once. That’s necessary/ hope wk w/ be done qkly and expediently, am’t of rocks in st/ of all sts in Asbury we’ve been lucky/ if get one bunch of kids lkg to be mischevious, prime concern quality of life issue/ when Ridge is finished, ridge is only straight shot from Belmar to Asbury, when finished it’s going to be raceway park. When finished we need someone handing out lot of tickets/ last thing/ Asbury wonderful job sport, James, 2 times sectional champions/ pls don’t forget our Caribbean people /we’ve got soccer, minorities who need to learn to swim/
Kevin – we’ need ovlunteers for soccer
Rita Marano – tkn back by signs on meters sounded like a political mes, comopliments of mayor and council when they were actually broken / hope everyone read the paper budget ax/ our town isn’t in there/ many towns cutting out many things/ hopefully not getting tax increase tonight…don’t know if amended budget/ I wnt to hear all the cuts you’ve done bef we get tax increase/
TReidy – no
Denise Richardson – 30 Ridge Ave
Dust bowl living last cpl of wks/ 2 council mtgs a go, got notice in box, but nothing since/ seems only 5 guys wkg for lucas/ meanwhile dodge manhole covers, love my 3 yr old granddaughter to death, going to bbq in back of …putting bandaids on her knees, heard firewks, but not it was shots, had she not fallen and we’d been in backyard/ she may have been shot/ my heart was in my shoes on Saturday/ I beg you...
Jerry Scarano – feel bad for people hv to liv in fear in own neighborhood. Mulch free is good idea/ need to put sign that it’s free/ still think u guys sh/ giv up health benefits and save city $85k.
Vernice McGriff – 2nd av/ I’m sort of between two towns/ from Newark, too, jst had 4 killings/ education starts in home/ somewhere along line we missed it/ can’t expect other people to raise them/ Newark policeman jst killed in pizza parlor, wasn’t even in uniform jst getting a pizza/ churches and community centers we hv to pull the children clsr to us/ mayor booker is going crazy w/ same problems/ so let’s start lkg inward.
John Kaplow – 522 deal lake dr apt 4
Thank audience coming to concil mtgs, important to spk at mtgs, I’m busy wrkg w/ cpl area journalists for internet/ rather do w/ city hv tried for 3 yrs/ if don’t wnt to do it we will/ open public mtgs request / an atty rep me w/ be mtg w/ mr raffetto, since no response from official side hv to think no interest/
Emily harris – as foster parent in area, I went to some older children asked what can be done to stop violence/ they said nothing/ maybe if we can start w/ the babies/ I don’t know how to fix it, but if we can touch base w/ babies/ we hv to show them something…I’m not movg not giving up my neighborhood.
End of public portion –
Council business (the city's business) –
$1,947,000. bill resolution/ one suit settled for $113,000.
Raffles app’d Holy Spirit and Jewish War Vets
Brando’s catering permit, VFW jun 4th and 5th/ AP Chamber – all appr’d
Extension of Bond St. Bar – Pat Fasano, owner is present – but no expansion of second flr/ all yes
Tides Hotel, Lush, Berkeley, Moonstruck, Georgies, Chico’s, Paradise, Los Locos, Cameo, etc., no complaints/ which ones does pat fasano own – JL – kidding/
All yes –
Appts – env shade tree, noms. Tom colisca and nancy sabino, gail was appt’d 2 wks ago/
Mayor – long time judge apostolou retiring jun 30th served 25 yrs// july 6th mtg city w/ honor him/ JL – nominate for judge Dan DeBenedetto – all yes
Bylaw amendment with NJInsurance fund – all yes
Resolution revised schedule fo fees for spec events – all yes except bruno has left dais
June 15th hrg w/ have budge amendment – mayor asked TR to explain/ this w/ be the last budget amendment/ at this time all items in budget w/ be addressed/ important to say city re’vs transicitonal id , 2011 $10,375,000 part of req’t for these munis is sign MoU detailed req’s every muni to tk wide variety of actions / dep of community affairs has to app’ve all financial actions/state req increase its taxes avg of $250 per hshld approx 6.2% increase, avg of $250 per hshld/ hrg w/ be hld on amendment june 15/ w/ at that time go thru all the ways ap has reduced the budget/
Martinez v AP $5k – all yes
Oneway, eliz av, / need new name/ can’t think of name/ JL suggests bill green former head of dem party/ decision postponed
Street performers – passed ???
Fire/false alarm carried to next mtg
Bids – toms river, $1500, plus? for ATM machines/to be located in transportation ctr and city hall/
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