Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A new format for Asbury Radio - The Podcast & 5/27 Council Report

May 30, 2020 - Saturday night

AsburyRadio - The Podcast is Changing Its Format -

In order to focus more attention on areas that we feel can get lost in the avalanche of today's breaking news, AsburyRadio will go to an every-other-week schedule. Simply put, the podcast will be on when the council isn't. This should allow us to dig deeper into subjects that require more sources of data and expert input. During the week that the council meets, you'll find a streamlined report such as the following:

May 27, 2020 Council Meeting Report on Asbury Radio Podcast

The City of Asbury Park resumed its audio-only weekly council meetings via Zoom with residents having to hunt around for the call in number and password. If you gave up without calling in, you may want to give it another go by listening to the archived audio on APTV, over Optimum on channel 77 or Verizon on channel 30. The reason being that redevelopment was on the agenda once more, with a redevelopment zone and tax abatements anew for discussion. Don't be fooled by the three-page agenda. The attachments run 226 pages. Aha, yes it's in the details once more.

Take for example resolution 2020-25 for a multifamily building at 1201 Memorial Drive (Block 203, Lot 5), south of Springwood Avenue to Neptune, and Atkins to the East, Ridge to Atkins between 4th and fifth avenues. Douglas Development Corp, owned by the Jemal family and based in the Washington, D.C. area, appears to specialize in commercial development. The 108- to a possible 110-units of new construction look to be of a higher architectural quality, with better landscaping and building materials than the immediate area, at least in the artist's rendering. With 154 planned parking spaces in an underground garage and a first floor parking deck, the amenities reflect a more upscale design as well. It was unclear though whether tenants in the affordable units will also enjoy their own parking spaces. The affordable units will include 3-bedroom, as well as 1 and 2 bedroom units. Councilwoman Eileen Chapman asked if the affordable units will be spread throughout the floors. They will, said Gouin.

Although attracted to this area by what it believed to be a 15% affordable housing allowance, the developer is still willing to provide 20%, or 21 affordable units, among the build-out -- provided an extended tax exemption can be reached. "That's the only way it's going to work" in an affordable housing context, explained Steven Gouin, of Giordano, Halleran, Ciesla, PC Red Bank, attorneys representing Douglas Development. That and if the property, currently the site of an industrial building, can be designated as within a redevelopment plan.

Another multifamily development proposal was presented, this one for Block 4003 Lots 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, and 16-216 Third and 215 second avenues by Andy Karas for K. Hovnanian. And, Michele Alonso, Director of Planning and Redevelopment proposed an amendment to the Strategic Area Rebuilding Spirit (STARS), which is expiring in July. The adjusted plan will switch the 3-story family townhouse previously designated and substitute the denser style 2.5-story and will eliminate commercial uses from the STARS plan. In their stead will be green requirements, such as 1.5 per unit spots. The amendments go to the Planning Board next, which will hear comment and make its recommendations to the council.

Plans were also presented by City Planner Michele Alonso, and a team from K. Hovnanian for residential housing under the names Baltic and Aegean, to be sited on Bergh St., between Second and Third avenues: Architect Frank Minervini, attorney Andrew Karas, Carl Erler of K. Hovnanian, Engineer Robert Curley, Landscape Architect, Brian Leff, and Professional Planner David Roberts.
A total of 42 parking spaces were proposed in drawings for the Aegean and 27 for the Baltic.
The Aegean will contain 27 dwellings consisting of 2 one-bedroom units, 3 one-bedroom with den units, 7 two-bedroom units, 12 three-bedroom units and three units that have two bedrooms with a
windowless “Home Office.”
The Baltic will contain 17 dwellings consisting 11 three-bedroom units, three, two-bedroom units and three units that have two bedrooms with a windowless “Home Office.” Each building will consist of three stories of living space and one story of parking that is partially below grade for a total of four stories. Roof decks are provided on both buildings. In addition, all units have a balcony.
The council authorized Resolution 2020-177, a Professional Services Contract for $84,500 to T&M Associates, the city's engineering firm, to support the city in Covid-19 Risk Management Support.
See our report tomorrow on the AP June 1 City Center Rally last night to protest the killing of George Floyd. Please see photos and video now and at Facebook.com/APRadioVoice .
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